This is one of our most popular coffees, and for a good reason; it's been called "rich but not arrogant," and we can't seem to get enough It has a Full City Roast darkness. 100% Arabica beans.
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Sunrise Breakfast
17 Reviews Write a Review
Long time White Cloud consumer.
Started buying White Cloud coffee when the local grocery stores carried it and we would buy it by the pound, grind it and take it home. Now we buy 10 or 15 pounds at a time, store it in our freezer in 1 pound bags and enjoy it for a few weeks before ordering more of the same Sun Valley blend. We tried several of their roasts over the years but settle on the SV blend.
Best Coffee Every
I love all the coffees I buy at White Cloud I feel like I'm buying from Family
Brightens My Mornings
We were Black Dog Coffee, drinkers. We did not realize the White Cloud was the parent company. The Sun Valley Blend, is the Dark River Blend I have grown to love. I am so happy that White Cloud starts my day and make it a very Bright Morning.
The BEST Coffee!!!
In my opinion this is the BEST Coffee! I have used it for maybe 20 years or more and I love it! AND it's Decaf!!! Everyone always says that I make the best coffee and they are right! Many of my friends have bought it as well. You won't be disappointed!
You'll love this coffee
I buy the whole bean regular and grind it every AM I just love the aroma and flavor so much better than what people buy at coffee shops not over powering where your skin crawls
I have used Sun Valley Blend, Decal, for probably 18 years or so. We were in Sun Valley. I found it there and have had it sent to New York ever since! No one knows that it is Decaf!!!! Don't tell!!!!!!
My favorite Coffee!
I have been using Sun Valley Blend for many years. I was in Sun Valley Idaho and bought it by the smell. I have used it ever since! Everyone says I make the BEST coffee ....... and it's the Decaf Blend! It's the best!
....and they don't know it's Decaf!
I have been using Sun Valley Decaf for many years, 15 or so. I order it in the 5lb. bags. Every time I serve a cup, no one knows it's Decaf! Sometimes I tell them, sometimes I don't!! Everyone says that I make the BEST coffee!